Wich Sex and the City girl are you?

Finaste Charlotte
Charlotte: Is your vagina listed in the New York City guide books? Because it should be - hottest spot in town. Always open
Charlotte: He raped my face! I'm never seeing him again!
Charlotte: It takes half the amount of time you dated someone to get over them
Charlotte: I Cursed the day you were born!
Mr Big
Mr. Big: Ever Thine, Ever Mine, Ever Ours.
Carrie Bradshaw: I have a huge favor to ask: I want you to know my friends better.
Mr. Big: I know your friends just fine. Charlotte is the brunette, Miranda is the redhead, and Samantha is trouble.
Mr. Big: Hey, have you got a light?
Carrie: I quit.
Mr. Big: Aw, we always used to share a cigarette together.
Carrie: We did a lot of things that were bad for me together.
(Carrie calls Mr. Big because she's lonely)
Mr. Big: Is this who I think it is?
Carrie: Who do you think it is?
Mr. Big: Princess Grace of Monaco.
Carrie: She's dead.
Mr. Big: So you can imagine my surprise.
Big: So, how are you?
Carrie: Great!
Big: And Daniel Boone, is he a nice guy?
Carrie: His name is Aidan.
Big: Where's your sense of humor?
Carrie: Where's your wife?
Big: Guarding her bid on a silent acution. She's got her eye on a beige chair. Everything in my apartment is now beige. Beige, is bull s**t.
Carrie: I thought you wanted beige?
Big: Yea, well, it doesn't quite fit.
Carrie: You said that you love me?
Mr Big: I do!
Carrie: Then why does it hurt so f**king much.
Sarah Jessica Parker


Miranda meets Steve <3
Who do you think you are? - Kim Cattrall

It is, It is so Hubble!
Lite citat på det (SATC)
Carrie: There are 1.3 million single men in New York, 1.8 million single women, and of these more than 3 million people, about 12 think they're having enough sex.
Mr. Big: Nice dress.
Carrie: Meaning?
Mr. Big: Nice dress.
Aidan: Don't take this the wrong way but this place could use a little work.
Carrie: I know, but I can't afford it.
Aidan: You've got eight thousand bucks' worth of shoes over there.
Carrie: I needed those!
FBI Agent, to Samantha: Ma'am, can you undo your cuffs so we can use ours?
Big: I never really thought about it.
Carrie: Oh come on. Everybody wonders what happens after you die.
Big: I'm too busy wondering who's dinging my car in the garage.