HIMYM quotes
Lily: Hey. I'm just sitting here. Wearing my ring. My beautiful ring. Kinda makes wearing other stuff seem wrong. Like... my shirt. Kinda don't wanna wear my shirt any more. Or my underwear. Oh, that's right, I'm not wearing any.
Marshall: [stops working and looks at Lily] No underwear?
Lily: Not even slightly.
[Camera pans to show Ted is in the room]
Ted: Guys...boundaries!
Ted: Five bucks says she still wants Marshall.
Robin: You're on.
Ted: Five AMERICAN bucks.
Robin: Dammit!
Marshall: There's no meat.
Lily: There's no alcohol.
Marshall: It gets worse—I am 90% sure that guy you were talking with used to be lead singer of the Spin Doctors.
Lily: Fort Lager Dale, get it?
Marshall: Minne Cider, get it?
Lily: Aspen Yards Ale, get it?
Marshall: Actually, no.
Lily: Me neither. I was hoping you would.
Marshall: Where does this girl live?
Robin: We're talking about a girl who got Barney Stinson to actually commit… I'm guessing Narnia.
[The gang reads the SNASA con]
Woman: Wow, you're an astronaut?
Barney: [hushes woman] I'm actually in a top-secret government space program, called Secret NASA, or...SNASA.
Woman: Wow, SNASA.
Barney: Ah hmm..
Woman: Do you go to the Moon and stuff?
Barney: Well, not the moon you're familiar with, though I've been to_ the... Smoon.
Woman: Wow... The Smoon!
[Cuts back to the gang]
Robin: If you fall for that one, my heart breaks for you. I'm sorry, but you're a smoron.